(Stock Code:03963) (a 34.86% owned associate company)
China Rongzhong Financial Holdings Company Limited (“China Rongzhong”) and its subsidiaries, primarily engages in finance leasing business through Rongzhong International Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., which provides finance lease services to customers in various key industries mainly in Hubei Province, the People's Republic of China. On 28 January 2016, the shares of China Rongzhong were successfully listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Listing”). Upon Listing, the Group’s interest in China Rongzhong has been diluted from 47.94% to 34.86% and China Rongzhong became an associate (previously a joint venture) of the Group.
The information of China Rongzhong is available for viewing and downloading from the website of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at http://www.hkexnews.hk and the website of China Rongzhong at http://www.chinarzfh.com.